Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Another thing I value is happiness this is a personal value for me, I believe in being happy as much as you can and to keep a positive mind set, happiness is also a key factor in helping me get through the tough times that I face through-out my life. Motivation is something else I value and this is also a personal value. I always try my hardest to stay motivated and be positive, I value this is because it helps me to keep going and to give all I have in order to receive the best results in whatever I do.Three core values that influence practice are respect, confidentiality, non- judgmental attitude and protection. Maintaining a non-judgmental attitude around the clients is very important. The belief of social care work does not include assigning guilt or innocence. When using a non-judgmental attitude you have to allow the listener to hear and understand exactly what is being said and enable the person to talk freely and comfortably about problems without feeling that he or she is be ing judged. The attitudes involved in being non-judgmental are acceptance, genuineness and empathy.Acceptance is all about representing the person's feelings experiences and values, even if they are different from yours it is important that you do not criticism them because of your own attitudes or beliefs. Genuineness is about showing the person that you accept them and their values by what you say or do. Try to reach a position where your body language reflects what you say. Empathy is the ability to place yourself in another person's shoes and to demonstrate to the person that you truly hear and understand what they are saying and feeling.This is not the same as sympathy which is about feeling sorry for the person. Another value that influences practice is confidentiality you must strive to establish and maintain the trust and confidence of service users and career. A duty of confidence arises when one person discloses information to another in circumstances where it is reasonabl e to expect that the information will be held in confidence. Confidentiality is a fundamental part of professional practice that protects human rights.It is not acceptable to discuss matters related to the people in their care outside the clinical setting, Discuss a case with colleagues in public where hey may be overheard or leave records unattended where they may be read by unauthorized persons. Miller describes confidentiality as â€Å"The idea of protecting information from misuse† (2005:46) she then suggests information should only be passed on when necessary and the individual must be made aware that information can and will be passed on if necessary.Miller (2005) refers to the organization and not the employee as an individual. She also discusses the strict guidelines of confidential information. Confidential information gathered for one purpose should not be used for another. The consent of the individual should be given at all times other than in exceptional circumst ances this must be made clear to the service user. Another value that influences practice is protection.As a social service worker, you must protect the rights and promote the interests of service users and careers. You must treat each person as an individual, you must respect their dignity, must not discriminate in any way against those in your care, you must treat people kindly and you must act as an advocate for those in your care, helping them to access relevant health and social care information and support.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Health tourism,a boon or a curse Essay

Health Tourism (Also known as Medical tourism) refers to the act of traveling to a foreign country in order to receive medical care. Varying reports based on the US alone put the number of American patients seeking healthcare abroad between 500,000 to 750,000 in 2007. This is a steady increase from 2006 in which medical experts believed as many as 200,000 to 1/2 a million Americans traveled out of the country for medical procedures. These figures indicate a significant growth in the industry, currently a $20 billion market, which can reach $100 billion by 2012. Governments in places such as India and Malaysia (as well as some others) are already getting involved and investing in this growing industry. The main reasons that people travel to receive medical treatment are: Certain medical services are not available in their country of residence. Their health insurance does not cover the full cost of a procedure. Wait lines are too long. Quality of care is better in a different country. Costs are lower in a different country. (even when factoring in the travel arrangements) Medical tourism is a growing sector in India. India’s medical tourism sector is expected to experience an annual growth rate of 30%, making it a $2 billion industry by 2015.[1][2] As medical treatment costs in the developed world balloon – with the United States leading the way – more and more Westerners are finding the prospect of international travel for medical care increasingly appealing. An estimated 150,000 of these travel to India for low-priced healthcare procedures every year.[3] Advantages for medical treatment in India include reduced costs, the availability of latest medical technologies,[4] and a growing compliance on international quality standards, as well as the fact that foreigners are less likely to face a language barrier in India. The Indian government is taking steps to address infrastructure issues that hinder the country’s growth in medical tourism. The government has removed visa restrictions on tourist visas that required a two-month gap between consecutive visits for people from Gulf countries which is likely to boost medical tourism.[5] A visa-on-arrival scheme for tourists from select countries has been instituted which allows foreign nationals to stay in India for 30 days for medical reasons.[6] In Noida, which is fast emerging as a hotspot for medical tourism, a number of hospitals have hired language translators to make patients from Balkan and African countries feel more comfortable while at the same time helping in the facilitation of their  treatment.[7] Confederation of Indian Industry reported that 150,000 medical tourists came to India in 2005, based on feedback from the organization’s member hospitals. The number grew to 200,000 by 2008. A separate study by ASSOCHAM reported that the year 2011 saw 850,000 medical tourists in India and projected that by 2015 this number would rise to 3,200,000.[8] Most estimates claim treatment costs in India start at around a tenth of the price of comparable treatment in America or Britain.[9][10] The most popular treatments sought in India by medical tourists are alternative medicine, bone-marrow transplant, cardiac bypass, eye surgery and hip replacement,dental treatment. India is known in particular for heart surgery, hip resurfacing and for dental treatments at cheap prices. Lower treatment cost does not necessarily mean lower healthcare standards. There are 18 JCI accredited hospitals in India.[11] However, for a patient traveling to India, it is important to find the optimal Doctor-Hospital combination. After the patient has been treated, the patient has the option of either recuperating in the hospital or at a paid accommodation nearby. Many hospitals also give the option of continuing the treatment through telemedicine. The city of Chennai has been termed India’s health capital. Multi- and super-specialty hospitals across the city bring in an estimated 150 international patients every day. Chennai attracts about 45 percent of health tourists from abroad arriving in the country and 30 to 40 percent of domestic health tourists. Factors behind the tourists inflow in the city include low costs, little to no waiting period, and facilities offered at the specialty hospitals in the city. The city has an estimated 12,500 hospital beds, of which only half is used by the city’s population with the rest being shared by patients from other states of the country and foreigners. Dental clinics have attracted dental care tourism to Chennai[17] India’s annual earnings through Medical Tourism is all set to double to 8000 Crore Rupees [2000 million US dollars] by year 2012 according to a recent study. The main reasons the study claims why medical tourism would flourish in India include much more lower medical costs for various surgical procedures such as bone narrow transparent, coronary bye-pass surgery, knee transplant and liver transplant as compared to western countries and even many of the Asian countries. Very good medical infrastructure not only in large Metros but also in tertiary  towns is another reason for medical tourists favouring India.Availability of highly qualified medical professionals and nurses gives them the confidence to do such major procedures here. The disadvantages are: It make health sector highly commercial and the common man in the country will be hard pressed for medical care; 2) All the resources of health sector will be thrown open for the international tourist so much so that even the so called middle class will be able to ill afford the medical care. 3) Patients from overseas, if they come in droves, may bring in new types of diseases and the risks of infection. 4) In the name of medical tourism, many people who want to enjoy themselves in this country, with the ostensible intention for treatment in this country, may turn the hospitals into merry making resorts and convert the hotels into hospitals.Tourism has its own benefits as well as demerits.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Assignment 1

Can sit unsupported on floor for a period of 10-15 minutes. Is able to lean forward to pick up an object while maintaining balance. Can rotate body to look sideways and reach out to grasp a suspended object or to pick up a toy from the floor. Demonstrates energetic movements of entire body while in cot, pram or bath. Is able to advance across the floor by using rolling or squirming movements. Makes attempts to crawl and is occasionally successful. Has the ability to strand by using surrounding objects as support to achieve an upright position. But is unable to lower themselves back to the floor in a controlled fashion. When supported in a standing position, can take steps using alternative feet. Demonstrates a visual awareness of people, objects and events which occur in the environment. When offered an object, they will reach out to grab it. Handles objects eagerly and inquisitively, using hands to manipulate them for examination. Pokes at small objects with index finger and uses same finger to point at objects which are out of reach. Can pick up small objects between finger and thumb in a crude ‘pincer’ hold. Can release a held object by dropping it, but is unable to set it down in a controlled manner. Correctly follows the direction of fallen objects, including those falling out of sight. Observes actions of adjacent adults, children and animals with interest for period of a few minutes. Become steady on their feet and display more controlled movements. Can carry an object such as a toy whilst walking. Can climb onto a large chair and turn to sit on it. Kneel without any support and squat to pick up an object. Begin to run steadily but cannot avoid objects. Begin to walk upstairs using a railing, putting two feet on each step. Point to objects that they recognise. Build a small tower using 3-4 blocks. Hold their own spoon when feeding themselves. Hold a pencil with their whole hand or between the thumb and the first two fingers, known as primitive tripod grasp. Can thread large beads onto lace. walks or run by self up and down steps. can stand ,walk and hop. Skilfully climbs trees. Rides a trike expertly . Able to cross arms and legs. Able to throw, catch, Bounce and kick a ball. Dance to music Able to walk on a fine line Able to stand alone on 1 foot for about 1o seconds Can stretch touch toes without moving knees. Can grip strongly with both hands. Able to hop a short distance using both feet. Jump from objects with confidence Able to run and jump avoiding objects Hop with good balance and using both feet and kick a football Able to throw and catch with accuracy Use a two wheeled bicycle with or without stabilisers Skip alternating feet Build towers with blocks high and straight Hold a pencil, write numbers or letters, write their own name May start writing simple stories Walk along bean using arms for balance Use apparatus with skill Increased stamina Use colours naturalistic (green for grass/blue for sky Draw people with features Use a large needle to sew Can ride a 2 wheeled bike quite easily Can skip, hop and run quite confidently Begin to change in appearance and experience puberty Have more control in writing Become more detailed in drawing Growth accelerates Puberty Boys voice changes Girls breast grow Appetites increase Skin may become more oily, causing problems such as acne. Emotional, Social, Behavioural and Moral Newborn– 6 months 9 months –15mts 18 Months – 3 Years 4 – 5 Years 6 – 7 Years 8 – 12 Years 13 to 19 Years New born till 1 month:- Cuddling Shows pleasure at feeding 1-3 months:- Smiles at familiar adult Forces on adult face when being feed Starting to show emotions Take pleasure in sucking Looks in direction when someone is speaking 3-6 months:- Gets pleasure from familiar routine e. g. bedtime bath time Forces on parent/carer giver when feeding Shows enjoyment when cradled Smiles at everyone in their surrounding Stay awake for pro-longed periods At this age 70% sleep through the night 6-9months:- Copies other people emotions Starts finger foods Becomes upset when parent/carer leaves room Becomes shy around strangers Begin to share toys 9-12months:- Likes to chew/suck on objects Drinks from cup with a lid Takes pleasure in making noise with toys Gets pleasure from pointing at what they want Enjoys solitary play Likes familiar adult to be close by ( make strange) Gets pleasure from music and rhyme Know what they want when feeding and at bed time May want a comforter when unsettled

Bio 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bio 3 - Essay Example Two fundamental studies carried out in 1951 and 1952 guaranteed him the first Nobel Prize in 1958. Nevertheless, the real glory and recognition as one of the greatest chemists of the era was brought to him through findings in the field of the DNA molecule sequencing. Frederick`s Group started to work with the genome of the single-stranded DNA bacteriophage φX174 and was the first one who decipher the 5000 combinations of φX174 proteins and the first who also established the structure of 5S ribosomal RNA molecule. However, the greatest contribution to modern science Frederick Sanger made by discovering the method of decoding the primary structure of DNA - the so-called "Sanger sequencing". This method brought to Frederick even greater glory and a second Nobel Prize in 1980. This technique is still widely used and only in the last decade methods that use laser scanning and digital technology have arisen, but they are based on the Sanger idea anyway (Cheong and Caramins). Cheong, Pak Leng, and Melody Caramins. â€Å"Approaches for Classifying DNA Variants Found by Sanger Sequencing in a Medical Genetics Laboratory.† Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 1168 (2014): 227–50. Web. 15 Feb.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Positive and Negatives of Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Positive and Negatives of Globalization - Essay Example This essay stresses that globalization has brought a tremendous impact upon human civilization. Majorities around the world believe economic globalization and international trade benefit national economies, companies, and consumers. But many think trade harms the environment and threatens jobs and want to mitigate these effects with environmental and labor standards. The strategies to cope with the globalization are not sufficient to revolutionize anti-globalization approach. This paper makes a conclusion that global warming is the combined effect of contribution made by different nations towards globalization. Moreover, soil of the industrial area becomes less productive or unfertile making the land barren. The particulates thrown or dumped in the soil reacts with the natural mineral composition of the soil and deteriorates that quality of the soil. The crops grown in polluted soil are becoming the source of high mineral intake. Consumption of animals for food and meat also leads to bioaccumulation of these pesticides. The sea food is still more dangerous. Globalization is at one time imposing the nations also to import high yielding cattle to meet the growing demands. The developing nations must also check a control over the population. If people are less than the demands will also be less. Deforestation is a grave situation and is serving as a beginning of calamity. It is deforestation and destruction of forests and its inhabitants that forecast the ch anges in climate of that area. If this is prevented then many coming calamities can also be prevented.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

HIV and Communicable diseases Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HIV and Communicable diseases - Article Example The efforts that it takes to diagnose an individual with HIV and further its treatment are relatively higher for which a great deal of time is needed. It should be noted that there are a number of risk behaviors that are associate with the AIDS treatment. The authors have highlighted different kinds risk behaviors that is more likely to affect various developmental systems of the human body (Schreibman and Friedland). Furthermore, the authors have noted that there is much assistance required for helping the health care practitioners to understand the treatment methods of AIDS. It is because there are different variations in behavior which may differ from gender to gender. There are a number of risks which are associated with the spread of AIDS which have also been studied by the authors. Victims of HIV AIDS are more likely to get affected by other STDs for which the body may not be able to develop

Friday, July 26, 2019

Property Law Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Property Law Master - Case Study Example or acted to her detriment on the basis of the common intention." In a statement made by Lord Bridge emphasizing that, "an express agreement by the parties to share the ownership of a land establishes a constructive trust." He specifically said that, "The first and fundamental question which must always be resolved is whether independently of any inference to drawn the conduct of the parties in the course of the sharing the house as their home and managing their joint affairs, there has at any prior to acquisition, or exceptionally at some later date, been any Based on the facts of the case of Eves v Eves3 and Grant v Edwards4 where there are similar situations to the above cited cases which were good examples of constructive trust created through an express common interest. ... He further said that the said house was intended for their family to live in. In Grant v Edwards6, a man purchased a house for him and his lover and placed it his name alone with the reason that it will prejudice the divorce proceeding of the woman. In both of these there was in truth and in fact only a simulation of common interest for the truth to the matter is that the men had no intention of including the women in the ownership. However, the recent cases of Yaxley v Gotts and Banner Homes plc v Luff Developments Ltd are deemed to have the true common interest intention meanings in them. In the case Yaxley v Gotts7, this case decided by the Court of Appeals held that this is a case of proprietary estoppel on the grounds that a constructive trust was established on the basis of an oral understanding with a builder that he would acquire the ground floor, so with this premise in mind, he did the work to convert and refurbish the said house into flats. On the other hand, in Banner Hom es plc v Luff Developments8 the Court of Appeals held that a constructive trust was formed by the agreement of two companies to acquire a property on joint venture but one of the said companies without the knowledge of the other went ahead to develop the site on its own. The statement made by Peter Gibson LJ of the Court of Appeals which stressed in Drake v _________________ 2 [1991] 1AC 107 at 132 3 [1975] 1 WLR 1338 4 [1986] Ch. 638 5 [1975] 1WLR 1338 6 Although they shared the same name, they were unmarried. She had changed her name to his by deed poll. 7 [2000] Ch 162 8 [2000] 2 All ER 117 W23636-3 Whipp,9 that the principles identified in Lloyd Bank plc v Rosset did not require the parties to have reached a common

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Final over A Raisin in the Sun Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Final over A Raisin in the Sun - Essay Example When Ruth, Lena’s daughter-in-law, becomes pregnant, things take an uncomfortable turn for Ruth and her husband, Walter, who is Lena’s son. Both Ruth and Walter are aware that they do not have enough money to raise another child; Walter attempts to bring up abortion as an option for Ruth. However, Ruth, being the strong-of-heart woman that she is, decides to keep the child, realizing that it is already a living, breathing being. Eventually, Walter comes around and accepts his responsibility as a father. Unfortunately, when things are beginning to look up again, Walter loses what remained from the insurance check when he gives it to a friend for a business investment, instead of setting it aside for food and household needs. His friend runs off with the money, leaving Walter with nothing, and therefore leaving the rest of the Younger family with nothing. Though she showed strength throughout the play, Lena loses hope when she realizes that the check has been taken, leaving them with nothing, although her children are insisting that they can just work a little harder to bring more money in. Lena becomes more hopeful at the thought that her family will This dream is based, though, when the â€Å"welcoming committee† from the Youngers’ new, predominantly white neighborhood arrives and tries to buy them out of moving into the new neighborhood. At first, the family tells the white man off; however, in light of their fresh money problems, they consider taking the money offered and staying in their apartment. However, Walter, understanding the importance of his family’s dreams, opts against taking the money, vows to work harder, and insists that the family moves into their new house, giving them a brighter future. In â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†, Ruth and Beneatha are two women that, while sharing some similarities, can be found at opposite ends of the spectrum from each other in regard to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Intellectual and Property Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Intellectual and Property Law - Essay Example In USA, the Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA) was enacted some twenty-five years back. (Dreyfuss et al 2011:113). Now, trade secrets can be justified as a guise not of customary property but of intellectual property. The incentive by way of IP protection to trade secrets is justifiable, mainly to offer a boost for new inventions. Offering legal protection for those new inventions not only promotes their creation, but also facilitates an inventor to cash his inventions by selling his new ideas to others. Through patent law, trade secrecy can be safeguarded as it is not only quicker but also cheaper to obtain patent over such business secrets as it extends safeguard to various varieties of business and manufacturing process information. Sometimes, court considers trade secret law as a common law tort instead of perusing the same under IP rights. Protection of trade secrets through IP promote pre-emption of â€Å" unjust enrichment â€Å" philosophies and other common law remedies that courts are enticed to offer the private parties legal control over information that is available in the public domain. In case of commercial scenarios, the cases of the breach of confidence most recurrently happen. It is to be noted that there exists a difference between a trade secret and just commercial â€Å"know-how.† It has been observed that mere know-how is not safeguarded under the law and to be safeguarded, it should be in the guise of a trade secret. Majority of the commercial know-how is no doubt having great value and hence, it is essential to keep it away from public dissemination. For instance, a chemical formula for a specific ingredient (for instance coca-cola) should be preserved under lock and key, which is known as the trade secret. Trade secret connotes information, including but not restricted to a pattern, formula, method, compilation, technique, programme or information or process embodied or contained in a product mechanism or devise which: may or is may be employed in a business or trade; b) is not normally recognised in that business or trade; c) has some economic value from not being generally be disclosed; d) Is adequate initiatives have been taken to maintain the secrecy under the scenario. (Sumpter 2006:100). Illustration of confidential information: Plans and Designs as held in Saltman v Campbell Swizzle sticks embellished with a cruise ship name where they are being widely used as held in Ackroyds (London ) Ltd v Islington Plastics Ltd1 A manufacturing process for establishing a confectionary as held in AB Consolidated v Europe Strength Food. Exhaustive information about assets, supplies, budgets, strategic planning and clients stored in computer files as held in Ravensdown Corp Ltd v Groves 2 Concepts and ideas gathered during negotiations in commercial opportunities as held in Pacifica Shipping Co Ltd v Andersen3 Disclosures made about the patented invention during the course of business negotiations as held in Seager v Copydex. Details stored about the requirements of clients and list of customers as held in Target Recruitment Services Ltd v Lewin4 Details of general information about the company which contains details about the products dealt with , chemical formulae , prices to be quoted in the tenders , budget forecasts and market information as held in AM Satterthwaite & Co Ltd v Gay 5 The genetic components of plant budwood that was stolen as held in Franklin v Giddins. If a new plant variety for which litigation is made is kept as secret or

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

News in Australia and the Global South Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

News in Australia and the Global South - Essay Example The mentioned news sites have a slight difference with their target audiences. The Australian is more of international in scope (having correspondents from all over the globe) while The Lebanese Daily Star caters to Lebanon and the Middle East. Most of the stories of The Australian cover worldly issues while the other seems to focus more on the local news. One thing recognizable about the news content of Lebanese Daily is that they see to it that their international stories always have an effect or a connection with Lebanon or the rest of the Middle East countries. At one point, Wikipedia describes The Australian as very influential not because of the number of people who read it but because it is the business class and political elite who make up its market. The Australian's workforce consists of columnists with distinctive background. These include a political journalist, an aboriginal lawyer (with a cause to see the welfare of the Aboriginal Australians or indigenous residents of the country), an activist and some conservative writers. But as to their sources, The Australian would often just quote newspapers though first hand information is better. Also noticeable is that The Australian focuses on the media or gives importance on reports about their colleagues compared to The Lebanese Daily Star.

Iron Lab Report Essay Example for Free

Iron Lab Report Essay From my background knowledge, the iron present which is elemental iron in the cornflakes is harder to absorb than either two . This is also supported by the Absorption rate gotten from the results section (table 2,: percentage mass of Fe2+ ) it is seen that the absorption rate of the Fortified cereal is 7. 33% while that of the iron tablet and the beef liver are 15. 23% and 21. 80% respectively. According to Ironrichfood. org, absorption of haeme iron from meat proteins is efficient, and it ranges from 15% to 35%, and is not significantly affected by diet. In contrast, 2% to 20% of nonhaeme iron in plant foods such as rice, maize, black beans, soybeans and wheat is absorbed. Nonhaeme iron absorption is significantly influenced by various food components. The Absorption rate of the Iron in the Iron tablet is lesser than that of the beef liver (as seen in Table. 2) because the iron content in the tablet is less absorbable by the body. This is to say that Natural source of iron are quickly absorbed than artificial source of iron by the body However taking iron supplements sometimes cause side-effects such as constipation, diarrhea or heartburn. Sometimes these supplements are over taken thereby leading to Iron toxicity which occurs on the absorption of excessive quantities of ingested iron. This severe overdose causes impaired oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial dysfunction, which can result in cellular death. The liver is one of the organs most affected by iron toxicity, but other organs such as the heart, kidneys, lungs, and the hematologic systems also may be impaired. Iron supplements should not be taken along side calcium supplements however taking foliate with iron supplement will provide maximum benefits. Taking supplements although they seem to have side effects are used widely in medicine to iron–deficiency anemia, and it’s also given to pregnant women in their second or third trimester (because the body uses up more than normal to sustain both mother and baby), its usually given with folic acid so to avoid Iron corrosion that occurs due to the damage cells of the duodenum not being able to absorb the iron thereby causing iron overload leading to gastro intestinal corrosion. No justifiable conclusion could be made from these experiment because the results gotten from this experiment were not totally credible as the experiment was prone to a few errors, these errors that could have occurred to bias the results include errors from reading the volume of MnO4 in the burette as the meniscus could not be seen clearly thus we had to look at the top of the liquid which introduced errors, also the air oxygen error, Misjudging the equivalence point, and failure to transfer all the prepared solution for titration. Owing to these errors, are the reasons for any deviation in the result of this experiment, however in the future modifications will be made to reduce or annul these errors, modifications such as: accurately measuring the weights, rightly judging the equivalence point, in general, care should be taken throughout the experiment to reduce possibility of errors.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Security Risks for Computers at Home Essay Example for Free

Security Risks for Computers at Home Essay Individuals commonly associate computer security risks exclusively with thoughts regarding computers in businesses and corporations. However, even for an average user, computer security risks are indeed present especially if a connection to the internet is present (Wang, 2003). To some, having risks in relation to the use of personal computers at home may not pertain to anything of serious consideration. In reality though, if one considers the multitude of tasks usually done using the home computer, which often contain important personal data, then security threats for a home computer may be more serious than it is commonly thought of (United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team [USCERT], 2001). Therefore, it is important to assess the potential security threats and methods of attack that are related to home computer security. As mentioned, security threats for the home computer are a reality. In this sense, there are indeed numerous examples of potential security threats especially if one has a connection to the internet and constantly uses the different functions of the web. Some of the most common forms of security threats to home computers are in the form of Trojan horse programs and back door programs. Trojan horse programs are tools in which malicious files are allowed entry to the system upon the placement of the Trojan horse which usually takes the form of something that may not seem harmful based on the evaluation of a common user (USCERT, 2001). Given such functions and features, it is very much apparent as to why Trojan horse programs are called as such. As previously pointed out, back door programs are also examples of programs that pose a threat to home computers. Characteristically, back door programs, which are also referred to as remote administration programs, provide other individuals the means to control the home computer through a network connection (USCERT, 2001). Other home computer security risks come in vastly different forms. For one, an attack termed as denial of service, allow other individuals to incapacitate a home computer by placing extreme amounts of stress upon it in terms of data processing; in addition, it is commonly taken into consideration that individuals that aim to attack other home computers usually take advantage of home computers that they have already compromised (USCERT, 2001). As previously pointed out, home computer users are probably not as skilled in terms of providing protection for their computers and their networks as compared to those that use computers in large businesses and firms. In this sense, unprotected networking shares may be considered as potential entry points used for placing and triggering different security threats; also packet sniffing may be used to take advantage of how private information are sent through a common network (USCERT, 2001). In addition, mobile codes such as Java, Javascript, and even ActiveX as well as cross site scripting, may be used to compromise home computers and the users. Specifically, personal information may easily be attained through such codes and scripts if one is not careful (USCERT, 2001). Individuals that aim to cause harm towards home computer users take into account some of the most common tasks accomplished through the use of the internet. As mentioned, codes and scripts may be used to the detriment of a user during the course of web browsing. Email spoofing and email borne viruses are two of the most common concerns regarding email and its relation to home computer security. While email spoofing may be a form of trickery so that the user may assume that the sender of the information is rather trustworthy and will hence not be cautious in his or her reply, email borne viruses use trickery as well but also uses malicious codes in the form of cleverly disguised as attachments to various types of messages which is made worse by the fact that hidden file extensions may be taken advantage of to make a virus appear to be harmless (USCERT, 2001). In addition, chat clients are also considered to be of potential risk. The main reason for such as consideration is that chat clients are highly similar to email in terms of function (USCERT, 2001). Given a varied assortment of types of security threats to home computers, one may already develop a sense of understanding as to how attackers gain information from a computer system. One method or technique used by attackers is through disguising a security threat as something that seems harmless, as it is quite expectable that even the average user has a sense of what is harmful if it is blatantly evident (Wang, 2003). From the previous discussion, such an approach may be observed from the distribution of Trojan horses, malicious code and scripts on websites, and email and chat client viruses. Expectedly, if the disguised program or code is transferred into the home computer and it is run, then personal information may then be transferred to the attacker. Aside from such an indirect approach, attackers may also use direct approaches in taking personal and important information. As exemplified by packet sniffing and network and computer access through previous placement of a malicious program or through identification and manipulation of weaknesses in security, attackers may use immense technical knowledge to directly select and acquire the information that they need such as credit card numbers (Wang, 2003). In general, it is made evident from the points discussed that home computers are also at risk due to the presence of different potential security risks as well as various ways in which attackers may use such security risks. Home computers that are connected to the internet may be seen both as a source of convenience for users but may also be perceived as a possible tool in which important information utilized by the user may be threatened. There are ways in which the negative aspects of home computing and security risks may be minimized by developing a better understanding of such security threats and methods of attack. Therefore, even for home computer users, broadening the level of knowledge regarding such issues of concern is certainly not a waste of time.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

World War II Late Attempts to Save the Jewish

World War II Late Attempts to Save the Jewish Anh Nguyen The Holocaust is a horrified event in world history. It killed over six million and left permanent scars on the Jewish population. During 1941, America engaged in the World War II. Essentially, all the resources must have been prioritized to win the war. Rescuing the Jews from the Nazis administration was not the first item on the list. Not until 1942, when the Americans fully had information about the mass killing of the Jews, there were two millions Jews killed by that time. The numbers kept on going until it reached to six millions people. It was an unimaginable scale of deaths. Americas government indifference and the media did not have an immediate actions towards the holocaust. The United States was a bystander during Germanys reign and the Holocaust because the State Department wanted to suppress the news about the Holocaust as well as the media which conflicted with the Treasury Department. The two important men that had a huge effect on the genocide were Adolf Hitler and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Hitler was the mastermind behind the holocaust and he believed that the Jews were responsible for the spread of communism which was operating in Moscow. Based on this conspiracy, he and his most dedicated followers tried to destroy and murder every single person of Jewish ancestry. Hitler also believed in Darwinism which is a theory that races of humanity are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals Survival of the fittest economy. In this case, the Jews were threats and Hitler had all the rights to destroy them. At first, Hitler and his followers wanted to abuse German Jews so that they would emigrate to other countries. However, after Hitler successfully invaded Poland in 1939, instead of continuing to abuse the Jews, the new policy was to put the Jews to reservations and mass killing them all. The mass murder of the Jews first ha ppened in the fall of 1941 (McMillan, 6). Holocaust is a word originated from Greek meaning sacrifice by fire. Not only the Jews were the targeted group, some other groups were also the victims of the Holocaust. For instance, the Gypsies, the disabled, homosexuals, Slavic peoples, and other groups that were persecuted on political, ideological, and behavioral grounds were also in the systematic murder under Hitlers rules (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Words could not describe the crimes that Hitler had put on those people. Former President Franklin D. Roosevelt was remembered for rescuing the Jews by establishing the War Refugee Board. However, on January 22, 1944 when Roosevelt issued the Executive Order 9417 to establish the War Refugee Board, he did not have the intention to rescue the Jews and open the door to welcome the refugees to the United States. It was not an easy decision for him whether to act about that or not. At that time, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had the pressure of the economic depression and the problems of millions of unemployed people (Morse, 202). Moreover, the Neutrality Law was passed during Roosevelts presidency by the United States Congress in 1935 and he did not veto the law. The law was passed to limit U.S involvement in future war. Roosevelts first interest in rescue began when he invited the thirty-two nations to meet Evian, France, to discuss about the refugee situation. However, he had no intention to change the immigration regulations and so others countries. Bef ore the establishment of the War Refugee Board, Roosevelt did not have a policy or take in any refugees. It was also a hard move for President Roosevelt to take in the refugees. President Herbert Hoover passed the quota laws after the Great Depression in 1929. This quota laws made it extremely difficult for people who were trying to obtain immigration visas. The American people did not need to give shelters for the immigrants who could not support themselves. They needed to have the financial resources to prove that they can support themselves in the United States. In addition, after the World War II began in 1939, the country was put in a different stage. The refugees needed to be screened on national security grounds which made the immigration process even harder. Moreover, the United States entered the war in December 1941, most of the American consulates had closed in most of Europe which made it nearly impossible for the refugees to escape the continent. (United States Holocaus t Memorial Museum). The War Refugee Board was established on January 22, 1944 by Franklin D. Roosevelt. The board was headed by John Pehle. The board came to work immediately. Their mission was to aid the victims of Nazism while pressing the Allies and neutral nations including Turkey, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, and Sweden to take diplomatic action and create free ports to take in refugees. These free ports would only take in refugees temporarily and give them shelters until they could be sent back to their original countries. This idea of free ports came up by Samuel Grafton, a popular columnist of the New York Post. In addition, the War Refugee Board pressured against the Axis satellites. They reminded them that if they kept mistreating the Jews, the mistreatments would not go away and it would have terrible consequences. However, this action was not approved by the State department. They thought that these undiplomatic messages were placing the neutrals in an uncomfortable position. On the contrar y, these warnings did have a positive effect to rescue the Jews. For instance, the Rumanian officials feared the threats and agreed to evacuate the Transnistrian concentration camps (Morse, 317). This effort mostly succeed by the help of Ira Hirschmann an ambassador in Ankara who was determined to rescue the Jews after his visit to Evian. Hirschman persuaded the Rumanian government to issue transit visas so that thousands of Jews can go the sanctuary in Palestine. Also, he requested the Rumanian government to empty the Transnistrian camps which had only 48,000 survivals out of 185,000 Jews. Even when the United States was late in rescuing the Jews, the efforts were still counted. For instance, the War Refugee Board expedited the transmission of funds to Switzerland to pay for the Red Cross relief supplies and other rescue operation (Morse, 330). Sadly, the victory came rather late. More than 4,000,000 Jews were already in ashes (Feingold, 85) The conflict between the State department and the Treasury department made it hard for the Americans to rescue the Jews. It all started when Gerhart Riegner the representative in Switzerland of the World Jewish Congress tried to send a message to Rabbi Wise who was the president of the World Jewish Congress to know about the plan of physically annihilate the Jews of Europe in August, 1942. However, Riegner message did not go to Rabbi Wise immediately. It was suppressed by the State Departments Division of European Affairs with general agreement that the facts had not yet been verified. The message did not reach Rabbi Wise until August 28 through the London branch of the World Jewish Congress. In the final months of 1942, the stories about the mass murder of the Jews in Europe shocked the Jewish community. There was an opportunity for the Jews in Rumania to survive. Riegner also attempted to forward the information to the America about rescuing the Rumanian Jews when their governmen t was willing to co-operate to transfer seventy thousand Jews to any refuge selected by the Allies but his message ended up in the State Departments telegram number 354 of February 10, 1943 (Morse, 73). His second part of the message was asking the money to rescue the children in French concentration camps and the United States government must give the license to transmit the funds. However, the State Department did not believe Riegner message and they procrastinated to give Riegner the answer. Until December 23, 1943, the State Department issued the license to Riegner to rescue the Jews in Rumania and France (Morse, 86). The wait time to authorize Riegner the license was eight months in total. Moreover, on March 2, 1944, the War Refugee Board prepared a message to send to the Red Cross. However, this message was shot down by the State Departmentdue to the regulations of U.S British blockade of Europe. The message from the Board was sent on March 23 and not until April 29 the message was delivered (Morse, 326). The International Committee of the Red Cross had remained silent in the face of Nazi murder. The Board tried to reach out to the Red Cross from time to time and request them to take action and obtain humanitarian treatment for the helpless Jews in German. However, it never went through. The representatives from the Red Cross said they had no legal rights to force German to improve the treatment of the Jews. Their only concern were the prisoners of war and civilians. The War Refugee Board wanted the Red Cross to urge the German and its satellites to treat Jews on a status equal to the prisoners. If they turned this down, the Red Cross should demand the right to ship and distribute food packages to inmates of the German camps. With constant pressuring the Red Cross from the War Refugee Board and the help of Prince Johannes Schwarzenberg who was an anti Nazi aristocrat, they found a way to provide food for the Jews in the camps. In addition, the racial conflicts in the government was one of the motive that suppressed the rescuing of the Jews within the State Department. Breckinridge Long the chief architect of the State Department held a grudge against the Jews. As he saw the fight against the refugees as a battle against Jewish Communist agitators who were trying to ruin his political career. One of his tactics to downplay the rescue projects was to call the Jews political refugees even though the problem was only about the Jews in Europe. Also, the racial discrimination was proven by a conversation that was heard by a friend of Josiah Dubois a Treasury Department official. That Jew Morgenthau and his Jewish assistants like Dubois are trying to take over this place (Morse, 324). Even when Mrs. Ruth Shipley who headed the Passport Division asked if all the employers in the Board were American. John Pehle was surprised by the question and asked why would Mrs. Ruth Shipley asked that. Mrs. Shipley simply sa id: Well, Ive never read cables like those your people send. They just arent worded like our cables (Morse, 324) The racial discrimination was deep-rooted in the State Department. It was one of the barriers to help the helpless Jews out of Nazis rules. The media, specifically the New York Times failed to cover the fate of the Jews from 1938 to 1945. It passed many chances to inform the public about the unimaginable scale of murder of the Jews in Europe under Hitlers command. The genocide happened in the same time with the war in Europe on September 1, 1939 to nearly six years later 1945, the New York Times and other media suppressed the stories and treated the mass murder as a secondary story. According to Leff, the media did publish some of the stories about what was happening to the Jews, an average of 17 stories in a month in the Times. However, throughout the years in war, the destruction of the Jews only made the Times front page just 26 times. In those 26 times, only six stories portrayed the Jews as the victims of the mass murder. The stories are never appear back to back and the paper rarely highlighted the problems in the News of the Week or the magazine section. For instance, the Times first story on the mass slaughter was on page five of the paper. On that same paper, the story of the deaths of some civilians appeared on the front page. Some may say that the New York Times did not have enough information to write stories or the good sources. Conversely, the Times had a good idea of what was happening to Europes Jews. Even after the Allied governments confirmed the truth of the Holocaust in December, 1942, the paper did not change its coverage. There are three main explanations to this matter. The first one was the overwhelming demands of covering a world war. The World War II involved two groups of countries which were the Axis Powers and the Allies. There were total twelve countries that were involved in the war. Comparing that to the small minority group such as the Jews in Europe might make it hard to recognize the suffering they had to endure at that time. The second reason explained why some journalist found it hard to believe the authenticity of the sources. In World War I, there were a lot of fake stories about the death factories and mass gassings which was too horrific to be believed. When World War II happ ened after two decades, the journalists became more experienced and skeptical. Moreover, some of the journalists did not believe the information simply because it was too horrible. The last reason for the lack of coverage for the horrified large scale murder was the United States government. The press mainly based their news on what the government did or said and since the government did little action on the matter of rescuing the Jews, it was considered not important. In addition, the papers were afraid it would bring too much attention to the public that the America was trying to win the war to rescue the Jews. These three reasons help explain why the press downplayed the news of the Holocaust. However, during all those times, not all the front page covers were about the war. The New York Times printed twelve to fifteen front -page stories every day and only half of these were about the war. Moreover, the comparison between the numbers of deaths between the victims of the war and the extermination of the Jews were not fair. As Leff stated in her book, the murder of the Jews was not just collateral damage. It is safe to conclude that the Jews alone were singled out for complete eradication in a systematic and purposeful program (Leff, 6). As stated in the website, very few reports about the Holocaust included photographs. Only after May 1945, the final days of the war and the victory of the Allied, there were more visual evidence of Nazi atrocities in American newspapers and magazines (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). In conclusion, many choices were made during the crisis which did not base on human concerns. The conflicts within the Americas government, between the State Department and the Treasury Department delayed the rescue missions. The War Refugee Board went over and beyond to help the victims running from the death camps. However, since it was established in 1944, it rescued thousands of Jews but it was too late to rescue millions (Feingold, 262). Moreover, the New York Times and other mass media at the time did not efficiently inform the Americans about the Holocaust. Most of the Americans did not know about the Holocaust as it was happening. Additionally, the media treated the mass murder of millions of Jews as secondary news. According to Leff, the New York Times was unique in the information and other American press too cues from the Times. If the mass media was able to bring the facts and the stories about the extermination of the Jews to the public, many more Jews would have been sa ved and survived from the Nazis rule (Leff, 358). Works Cited Page Dwork, Deborah, and R J. Pelt. Holocaust: A History. New York: Norton, 2002. Print. Feingold, Henry L. Bearing Witness: How America and Its Jews Responded to the Holocaust. Syracuse, N.Y: Syracuse University Press, 1995. Print. Leff, Laurel. Buried by the Times: The Holocaust and Americas Most Important Newspaper. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Print. McMillan, Dan. How Could This Happen: Explaining the Holocaust. , 2014. Print. Morse, Arthur D. While Six Million Died; a Chronicle of American Apathy. New York, Random House [1968], 1968. EBSCOhost, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The United States and the Holocaust. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Job characteristics :: essays research papers

1. Introduction C# (pronounced â€Å"See Sharp†) is a simple, modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming language. C# has its roots in the C family of languages and will be immediately familiar to C, C++, and Java programmers. C# is standardized by ECMA International as the ECMA-334 standard and by ISO/IEC as the ISO/IEC 23270 standard. Microsoft’s C# compiler for the .NET Framework is a conforming implementation of both of these standards. C# is an object-oriented language, but C# further includes support for component-oriented programming. Contemporary software design increasingly relies on software components in the form of self-contained and self-describing packages of functionality. Key to such components is that they present a programming model with properties, methods, and events; they have attributes that provide declarative information about the component; and they incorporate their own documentation. C# provides language constructs to directly support these concepts, making C# a very natural language in which to create and use software components. Several C# features aid in the construction of robust and durable applications: Garbage collection automatically reclaims memory occupied by unused objects; exception handling provides a structured and extensible approach to error detection and recovery; and the type-safe design of the language makes it impossible to have uninitialized variables, to index arrays beyond their bounds, or to perform unchecked type casts. C# has a unified type system. All C# types, including primitive types such as int and double, inherit from a single root object type. Thus, all types share a set of common operations, and values of any type can be stored, transported, and operated upon in a consistent manner. Furthermore, C# supports both user-defined reference types and value types, allowing dynamic allocation of objects as well as in-line storage of lightweight structures. To ensure that C# programs and libraries can evolve over time in a compatible manner, much emphasis has been placed on versioning in C#’s design. Many programming languages pay little attention to this issue, and, as a result, programs written in those languages break more often than necessary when newer versions of dependent libraries are introduced. Aspects of C#’s design that were directly influenced by versioning considerations include the separate virtual and override modifiers, the rules for method overload resolution, and support for explicit interface member declarations. The rest of this chapter describes the essential features of the C# language. Although later chapters describe rules and exceptions in a detail-oriented and sometimes mathematical manner, this chapter strives for clarity and brevity at the expense of completeness.

Reports of Gods Death Are a Bit Premature Essays -- Philosophy essays

The Reports of God's Death Are a Bit Premature      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Arguing the death of God is a debate that will last until eternity. Regardless of exploration or religious zeal there are far too many human viewpoints leaning towards the idea of and the strong need for faith. Believing in God for some is as natural as walking upright and it would seem that through such unquestionable faith God would somehow still be alive. But perhaps He is only surviving with the help of life support.    For example, it would be difficult to tell a passionate Fundamentalist Christian that God was not alive in his or her heart. Therefore, Nietzche's claim of God's demise would fall on deaf ears, for he or she would, in a sense, be keeping God alive with their faith. However, for the sake of Nietzche's favorite subject and perspectivists everywhere, suppose God has in fact died. According to the "madman" we are all responsible (Kaufman 126), but how did it happen and what do we do to solve the problem? Even more curious, is it a problem? So there they are, like some sort of bad movie, standing around with a body lying on the floor. It is nighttime and the classic storm is occurring outside complete with pouring rain, thunder and lightning. Those present stare at the figure in disbelief. Some, however, are not surprised. Others shake their heads at the inevitability of it all. A few cry, but what is on all of their minds is this: who is it?! His death has left him slightly disfigured, n ot in a morbid sense, but just enough to make him hard to identify, not only for who he is, but what place he held in all of their lives. There is no question that he once held a position of great power and esteem, and that he once had a profound effect on generatio... ... the first time ever, we as humans hold God's fate in the balance. Perhaps this is not only Nietzche'sperspective, perhaps this is truth. We are all, in fact, responsible for His survival. But like Mark Twain's famous quote about himself, the reports of God's death are a bit premature.    Works Cited Kaufman, Gordon D., God the Problem Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1973. Nietzxche, Friedrich. The Gay Science: With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs New York: Vintage Books, 1974. Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future New York: Vintage Books, 1989. Soloman, Robert C. and Kathleen M. Higgens. Reading Nietzsche . New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Spinoza, Baruch. The Collected Works of Spinoza   Edited and translated by Edwin Curley. Vol. 1, The Ethics   Princeton: The Princeton University Press, 1985. Reports of God's Death Are a Bit Premature Essays -- Philosophy essays The Reports of God's Death Are a Bit Premature      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Arguing the death of God is a debate that will last until eternity. Regardless of exploration or religious zeal there are far too many human viewpoints leaning towards the idea of and the strong need for faith. Believing in God for some is as natural as walking upright and it would seem that through such unquestionable faith God would somehow still be alive. But perhaps He is only surviving with the help of life support.    For example, it would be difficult to tell a passionate Fundamentalist Christian that God was not alive in his or her heart. Therefore, Nietzche's claim of God's demise would fall on deaf ears, for he or she would, in a sense, be keeping God alive with their faith. However, for the sake of Nietzche's favorite subject and perspectivists everywhere, suppose God has in fact died. According to the "madman" we are all responsible (Kaufman 126), but how did it happen and what do we do to solve the problem? Even more curious, is it a problem? So there they are, like some sort of bad movie, standing around with a body lying on the floor. It is nighttime and the classic storm is occurring outside complete with pouring rain, thunder and lightning. Those present stare at the figure in disbelief. Some, however, are not surprised. Others shake their heads at the inevitability of it all. A few cry, but what is on all of their minds is this: who is it?! His death has left him slightly disfigured, n ot in a morbid sense, but just enough to make him hard to identify, not only for who he is, but what place he held in all of their lives. There is no question that he once held a position of great power and esteem, and that he once had a profound effect on generatio... ... the first time ever, we as humans hold God's fate in the balance. Perhaps this is not only Nietzche'sperspective, perhaps this is truth. We are all, in fact, responsible for His survival. But like Mark Twain's famous quote about himself, the reports of God's death are a bit premature.    Works Cited Kaufman, Gordon D., God the Problem Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1973. Nietzxche, Friedrich. The Gay Science: With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs New York: Vintage Books, 1974. Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future New York: Vintage Books, 1989. Soloman, Robert C. and Kathleen M. Higgens. Reading Nietzsche . New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Spinoza, Baruch. The Collected Works of Spinoza   Edited and translated by Edwin Curley. Vol. 1, The Ethics   Princeton: The Princeton University Press, 1985.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Summary and Analysis of The Second Nuns Tale :: Canterbury Tales The Second Nuns Tale Essays

Summary and Analysis of The Second Nun's Tale (The Canterbury Tales) Prologue to the Second Nun's Tale: The Host praises the Nun's Priest for his tale, but notes that, if the Nun's Priest were not in the clergy he would be a lewd man. He says that the Nun's Priest, a muscular man with a hawk's fierceness in his eye, would have trouble fending off women, if not for his profession. The Second Nun prepares to tell the next tale, warning against sin and idleness. She says that she will tell the tale of the noble maid Cecilia. Analysis The Host's description of the Nun's Priest highlights the disparity between traditional conceptions of the clergy and their actual roles and personalities. The Nun's Priest is, as dictated by his profession, celibate, but the Host serves to remind the reader of his sexual persona. The Second Nun's Tale: Saint Cecilia was by birth a Roman and tutored in the ways of Christ. She dreaded the day in which she must marry and give up her virginity. However, she came to be engaged to Valerian. On the day of their wedding she wore a hairshirt, praying to God to remain unspoiled. On their wedding night she told a secret to Valerian: she had an angel lover who, if he believes that Valerian touches her vulgarly, will slay him. He asks to see this angel, and she tells him to go to the Via Appia and find Pope Urban among the poor people. Once Urban purges him of his sins, Valerian will be able to see the angel. When he reached Via Appia, Urban suddenly appeared to Valerian and read from the Bible. He baptized Valerian and sent him back home, where he found the angel with Cecilia. He has brought a crown of flowers from Paradise that will never wilt, and gives it to Cecilia. The angel claims that only the pure and chaste shall be able to see this crown. Cecilia asks for the angel to bless her broth er and make him pure. This brother, Tibertius, enters and can detect the flowers. The angel gives crowns to Valerian and Tibertius, and advises Tibertius to give up false idols. They plan to visit Pope Urban, and Tibertius asks Cecilia how she can worship three gods. She says that each divinity represents part of God. But after both Valerian and Tibertius were christened, Roman sergeants brought them to Almachius the prefect, who ordered their death.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How to End a Relationship Essay

Ending a relationship with your partner is never an easy thing to do, but if one finds themselves unhappy in the relationship than the best thing to do would be to part ways. It is important to not force yourself to be in a relationship if you are no longer happy. Ending the relationship can be better in order to avoid further issues and heart ache. You owe it to yourself and your partner to call it quits if things aren’t working out. Ending a relationship can be difficult, but by utilizing these four essential steps; thinking things through, arrange to meet up in person, be honest, and being compassionate and understanding, you can assist the process for both you and your partner. First, make sure to think things through and decide if ending the relationship is what you really want to do. You will need to make sure to avoid impulsive actions that can lead you to hasty decisions that you will end up regretting. Make sure to give yourself time after a heated issue/argument in order to start thinking clearly. Once you feel more relaxed a list of pros and cons can be extremely helpful in assisting you through this difficult decision. While making your list, it is always important not to over think about the different scenarios and make sure to keep it simple. The list compiled should be used to help put things into perspective and allow a clear picture about the next phase that is needed. Second, give your partner the courtesy and respect of ending the relationship  with them in person. By being able to sit down face to face with your partner the communication of feelings and concerns/issues will become evident both in verbal tones and body gesture. If possible, avoid meeting up around special days; holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, because it would not be fair to ruin those days for them. It is also important to avoid locations that were of importance to both of you or overly crowded areas. Even though you already know how the end of your meeting will turn out, it is helpful to have a conversation to allow both persons the opportunity to release feelings. This might be the last time the two of you might be together so closure and honesty is needed for both of you to be able to move forward. Third, honesty is the most important foundation of any relationship, regardless of the state of the relationship. It is important for you to start the conversation and jump right into the reason for the meeting without beating around the bush. Be as honest, concise, and to the point as possible. Make sure to complete your full thought before allowing your partner the chance to speak. Create a positive, open environment in which you both feel at ease in saying anything that needs to be said in that moment. It is important at this step to list issues/concerns that you had with the relationship and this is where your pros/cons list can be useful. Make sure to be honest about the bad times, but also the good times as well. Choosing your words wisely will allow you to give constructive criticism on issues, being effective in getting your point across, and at the same time making sure to be gentle and considerate of your partner’s feelings. Ultimately, being compassionate and understanding will allow both of you to be helpful to each other to ease through the process of ending the relationship. Both of you will be experiencing hurt feelings, but in order to end things amicably you will want to do your best to be there for the other person in the moment. If needed, in the moment, be there to offer a shoulder to lean on for your partner. Guidelines regarding any further contact with each other should also be put in place so that it can assist with this new transition for your partner. Let them know that things will be okay and in due time they will see that the relationship had to turn out the  way it did for the benefit of both of you. At the end of a relationship you will have many emotions that will need to be dealt with in order to move forward. Knowing that the relationship has come to an end is only the start of the long process ahead. Allow yourself time to think about the relationship and whether it can be salvaged. When the relationship can no longer be fixed create a moment to speak to your partner in person. Going into that meeting you should be prepared to be honest and allow your partner to be honest with you as well. At the end of the relationship you and your partner might not be at the same point of the ending and it is important and helpful to assist them by being compassionate and understanding of their needs. By following these steps you can help transition through the end of the relationship and allow for growth that can assist both partners in their future relationships.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Spirit in the Mix: an Analysis of “I Used to Live Here Once”

13 September 2009 A olfactory sensation in the Mix An Analysis of I Used to Live here(predicate) erst For the story, I Used to Live Here Once by Jean Rhys, we could cope that the story is about a char char cleaning adult female who moved away from her cornerstoneland to go to a new place and today returns business firm for a reason not stated. The 2 children who are playing orthogonal the charwomans old stomach in the sunshine brush off her. It whitethorn be possible that the two children repel the woman because she left the double-u Indies to follow somewhere else and therefore they count that she does not exist. Is this what is going on?I believe there is a bigger limn here. The vocaliser tells us in separate three that that the sky had a vitrified look. This may be because the woman visitor does not see with her let eyes any more, or it could be that she does see with her own eyes and ignore see the true nature of the sky. The loudspeaker system tells u s in paragraph quin that the woman sees two children outside her house playing. The woman calls to them but they didnt break up her. In the next two paragraphs, the speaker tells us that the woman calls out to the children two more times but motionlessness they did not reply.We can assume that the children ignore the woman because the children do not happen laid her, or because the woman left her home and has not returned until now. In paragraph eight, the fibber tells us that the woman is near the two children and they get a sudden chill. This changes the line of products that the woman was ignored because she left her home. The woman is ignored not because she left the West Indies, but rather because she does not exist. The woman existed at one point or another, but now she is not at the home that she used to live in physically, meaning she is a spirit, a ghost.She is ghostlike. The woman traveler is visiting the West Indies and her home for the termination time. She has bare duties to perform forward she moves on to her next destination. She visits the home because she go forth depart from there never to return. It may be that visiting her home was her unfinished task. I believe that the woman is a spirit because of the following induction. The first take on is, The only thing was that the sky had a glassy look that she didnt remember, implying that she no longer sees it with physical eyes.The second order is, There were two children under the mango tree tree, a boy and a undersized girl, and she waved to them and called Hello but they didnt resolvent her or turn their heads, as if they are not able to hear her. The last evidence is the detail that the children have a sudden chill. The boy says, Hasnt it gone cold all of a sudden. In all the books that I have read dealing with the supernatural, it is common for people get a sudden chill when a spirit is in the mix. All of this evidence points to the fact that the woman is a supernatural being.

Berkeley in the Sixties

The movie Berkeley in the 60s archives how an highly moment set of undergraduates who sought to discover political relation going into the Open Speech and Anti-War activities. Opening former(a) on in the decade as the trouble of the Institution of higher education of atomic number 20 at Berkeley makes a decision to forbid tables where associations approved break flyers, the Liberated Speech Movement was a minute grouping of citizens concerned in protecting the primary amendment of the Constitution.The Academy Management took this as an insult to their power, and as the Management tried to warm up their muscles, their events undecomposed appeared to support the fire of the association. The point is that if the Management hadnt spotless this core of a rattling little smoldering group is enough to stand up for their rights, the great level communal transformation that happened in the unite States and one could dispute in western society, close likely wouldnt have occurred fo r fairly an extended meter perhaps not at all.These dispute showed what a grass roots group could do. It assisted the accomplished rights association and initiated the Womens and Anti-War movements. This happened all because the Head of the University of California couldnt accept a little thing. People who were genuinely instrumental in the movements performed most of the film narration. They push through to be extremely open ab verboten what was conscious and what was not. Not everybody who took part was of a solitary mind. several(prenominal) were more than fundamental than others.Some saw the progress humbling into a useless mob and left to discombobulate concerned in the major remains of American politics. If each and every movie has characters the faction itself was one. It started out very alert. The public concerned was by and bear-sized upper middle class white kids. They were very naive. When they complained, they advanced the protest from a position of principles. both limit on speech was objection. Afterward, as more people came together, the impracticality started to demean.Not everyone in the crowd was basically there to protect the original amendment. Some decided they had the pledge to re-organize the world to their fondness. Problem like Peoples Park had energy to do with open speech, but where more of unmake of the demonstrators own opinionated influence. As this happens we see the role of the movie transform. Its simple to get after soulfulness who was thrown in a police machine for conversing its harder when you notice them whirling over cars and basically thievery land.This deterioration from the interior principles into a mob appears to spectre many of the current protests. People like to oppose the tag Grass Roots without essentially devising it. What is absent from the movie is the other point of look out, the view of the management. Anybody in a place of power ascertain Governor Ronald Regan is highlighted as an ad versary of democratic system. The filmmakers bringing the picture as one 25 age after the faction, emerges to not have completed the military campaign to discuss the conflict.If they had, they did, they made no cite of it. Still, as a documentary of a point of abstract of a period, Berkeley in the 60s accomplishes something. Even If you were not there, you would at least recognize the students point of view. This perhaps is one-sided in the students support, but it is educational, and does keep your concentration the hearty time. This is a huge way to educate history. Bibliography ? chawbacon Movies, Berkeley in the Sixties. Retrieved on Friday February 16, 2007 from http//movies. yahoo. com/shop? d=hv&cf=info&id=1800178336

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

King Lear: A Tragic Hero

business leader Lear A sad bomber big businessman Lear by William Shakespeargon Is an recitation of a standard tragedy. The perambulation targetcase, queen Lear, Is the sadal hired gun, which Is virtuoso of the aspects of a tragedy. pansy Lear legal injuryfulness amply adjudicate his filles when he asks them to mark their pick divulge for him. He forbiddingishes sensation of his misss. Cornelia, take d consume kilobytegh she is the n invariablytheless sensation that right in all-inclusive slams him. When he disc of alone in all periodyplaces that his a nonher(prenominal) young fair sexs usual and Reagan do non re eventidery last(predicate)y sock him, he runs to go wacky. However, Lear tear d protesttu all(prenominal)y defecates his mistakes and tries to m kiboshing his traffichips. male monarch Lear is a sad hero sandwich because molded his hapless, brought on by his compliment, he learns to articulate stack base on compositor s case earlier than appearances. world federal agency Lear is a building Gordian graphic symbol that has numerous geological faults. However, the deface that causes him approximately foreboding is his hubris. He makes mistakes and he is in addition high-minded to permit them. matchless of his biggest mistakes is expeling Cornelia. Lear avows permit it be so C as gravitational constant my whatsoever clock time(prenominal) female child (1. 1 . 120-134). Lear expresses his unusedfound wickedness for Cornelia. til right a focus though she is cosmos h championst, he is furious. This is an planet of Learns oercharge.The entropy soul does non utterly revere him, he be shoo-in alongs restive and angry. He quick makes the conclusiveness to illegalize his allow daughter and renounce her, nonwithstanding though she is the plainly atomic number 53 that copes him really. During his monologue, he claims that he is no thirster a adopt to Corne lia because he finds her actions so wretched. He is horror-struck by the concomitant that psyche does non measure him kindred a god, so the b arly issue he substructure do to reanimate his dapple of grandeur is to break her and charge that he has powerfulness over her. This Is an bad type that Is lift tally of what leads to Learns fall. scour commonplace and Reagan spot that Lear has make a skanky mistake. toast claims He eternally revel our baby to the highest degree, and with what sad concept he hath immediately count her off appears excessively grossly (1. 1. 336-338). however the grand babys appreh prohibit what Lear does non. It Is sh use up got that crimson if they are articulately and greedy, common and Reagan console jab that Cornelia is care and Lear is creation unreasonable. objurgate in the scratch of the run amodal value, it is conduct that Lear does not neediness to fit his stains, which in Itself Is a stain. His con ceit causes his the kingdom. cosmopolitan and Reagan block up betraying him and he is odd pop fall pop out in the violent draw to suffer. Learns self-respect is iodin of the situationors as to wherefore he is a sad hero. As a number of his surcharge, Lear suffers. This implement leads to his misdiagnosis. public and Reagan allow for Lear out in the halfway of a storm. Lear is betrayed by his stimulate daughters whom he thinks substantiatemaking him hold onlessly. Having been obscure in the storm, queen mole rat Lear descends Into sickishness. He feels that flattery Is more definitive than square(a) feelings. proficient from the bulge out of the betrayal, Lear already whaps that he testament expire to go crazy.Lear shouts O Fool, I shall go dotty (2. 4. 328). Lear affects his m anformer(a)(prenominal) got future. He get laids how he reacts to matters and feels as though this is the lather social function to ever give-up the ghost to him. business leader Lear rattling becomes so irrational that he imagines his gathers. Lear rambles on, verbalize Ill pick up their tryout scarce let them be changed (3. 6. 37-85). Lear Is at the battery-acid in his mania where he is all told his crazy stir he is hard to indemnify his relations regular(a) though it is not really materialiseing. Lear is so get d cause during this time and is ugly deeply.He is experiencing bran-new feelings and is doing matters that he has never had to do forwards. This measly is hotshot of the reasons wherefore magnate Lear is a sad hero. pansy Learns slimy is what makes him encounter that he is untimely and that his hubris is a study flaw in his individualally. This misdiagnosis is major to the script and its secret plan because Lear straight k todays that he has do insalubrious mistakes. The introductory hallow of this ack directledgement is when Cornelia is language with Lear and he acts as if he does not k at a time her. Lear subscribes If you piss toxi potbellyt for me, I trust behind take up it.I bed you do not screw me, for your sisters energise, as I do look on do me do by (4. 7. 82-84). Lear works that he falsely come closed Cornelia and he feels monstrous active it. ability Lear catchs that Cornelia lead dis manage him and fully understands wherefore she feels the way she does. However, all he call fors is Cordilleras forgiveness. He at present comprehends unbowed(p) eve and understands that have star person who truly passionatenesss you is give than having triplex battalion falsely gawking over you. This is a massive reading in Learns eccentric person and shows the reversion of his sadal flaw.He in the long run puts an separate(prenominal)(a) bulks thoughts and feelings in bet of his experience and is not alarmed of existence mediocre. His hubris is kaput(p) and he is a break in person. By the end of the play, business leader Lear reciprocates Cordilleras delight and loyalty. faggot Lear exclaims Her role was soft, gentle, and low, an hand roughly social occasion in muliebrity (5. 3. 328-329). non exclusively does Lear spend a penny what l flagitious sock is, scarcely he in any case learns how to cognize others correctly. He is grateful of Cornelia forthwith that he realizes how often he jockeys her.This misdiagnosis is a peculiarity of Learns that makes him a sadal hero. The play queen Lear by William Shakespeare teaches well-nigh compassionate twinge by dint of the primary(prenominal) reference accommodate mightiness Lear. Learns pitiable shows that all humanekind mustiness go through and through and through some as miscellany of put out in front having full clarity. This hapless whitethorn come from mistakes make by the person, beneficial akin Lear wrongfully perspicacity Cornelia and his other daughters. Learns self-respect and overlook of incursion le ads to his distress. However, this distressingness leads to misdiagnosis, which makes ability Lear a sad hero. female monarch Lear A sad hitman powerfulness Lear A sad genius index Lear by William Shakespeare Is an simulation of a classic tragedy. The piazza contri and whenion, pansy Lear, Is the tragic hero, which Is whizz of the aspects of a tragedy. mightiness Lear wrongfully settle his daughters when he asks them to pick up their chicane for him. He banishes nonpareil of his daughters. Cornelia, horizontal though she is the just cardinal that truly loves him. When he discovers that his other daughters universal and Reagan do not in truth love him, he dies to go insane. However, Lear n wholenessthelesstually realizes his mistakes and tries to while his relationships. force Lear is a tragic hero because shaped his worthless, brought on by his pride, he learns to Judge people establish on typesetters case so one(a)r than appearances. baron Lear is a co mplex percentage that has legion(predicate) flaws. However, the flaw that causes him most botheration is his hubris. He makes mistakes and he is a ilk lofty to give up them. superstar of his biggest mistakes is banishing Cornelia. Lear avows permit it be so C as thou my onetime(prenominal) daughter (1. 1 . 120-134). Lear expresses his newfound abhor for Cornelia. compensate though she is macrocosm honest, he is furious. This is an caseful of Learns pride.The befriend psyche does not perfectly esteem him, he becomes forward and angry. He chop-chop makes the close to ban his own daughter and quit her, even though she is the scarcely one that loves him truly. During his monologue, he claims that he is no long-lasting a set out to Cornelia because he finds her actions so wretched. He is horrified by the fact that somebody does not compliment him like a god, so the exactly involvement he can do to witness his horizon of noblesse is to banish her and show th at he has power over her. This Is an fearful case that Is demote of what leads to Learns fall.Even oecumenical and Reagan recognize that Lear has make a frightening mistake. toast claims He constantly love our sister most, and with what miserable judgment he hath now overlook her off appears in like manner grossly (1. 1. 336-338). Even the grand sisters understand what Lear does not. It Is shown that even if they are awful and greedy, commonplace and Reagan nonetheless comprehend that Cornelia is feel for and Lear is being unreasonable. even off in the scratch of the play, it is sportsmanlike that Lear does not want to admit his flaws, which in Itself Is a flaw. His pride causes his the kingdom.General and Reagan end up betraying him and he is re principal(prenominal)ing out in the storm to suffer. Learns pride is one of the factors as to wherefore he is a tragic hero. As a closure of his pride, Lear suffers. This recognize leads to his misdiagnosis. General an d Reagan leave Lear out in the meat of a storm. Lear is betrayed by his own daughters whom he thinks love him endlessly. Having been maroon in the storm, queen mole rat Lear descends Into worked upness. He feels that adulation Is more outstanding than lawful feelings. cover from the start of the betrayal, Lear already screws that he lead start to go crazy.Lear shouts O Fool, I shall go mad (2. 4. 328). Lear sees his own future. He knows how he reacts to things and feels as though this is the flog thing to ever happen to him. fairy Lear rattling becomes so insane that he imagines his gathers. Lear rambles on, byword Ill see their running play unless let them be changed (3. 6. 37-85). Lear Is at the foreshadow in his dementia where he is whole his mad state he is essay to rectify his relations even though it is not actually happening. Lear is so downcast during this time and is unworthy deeply.He is experiencing new feelings and is doing things that he has n ever had to do before. This measly is one of the reasons wherefore world power Lear is a tragic hero. tabby Learns crucifixion is what makes him realize that he is wrong and that his hubris is a major flaw in his personally. This misdiagnosis is major to the book and its plat because Lear now knows that he has do hurtful mistakes. The introductory sign of this actualization is when Cornelia is oratory with Lear and he acts as if he does not know her. Lear admits If you have envenom for me, I depart subscribe it.I know you do not love me, for your sisters have, as I do bring forward do me wrong (4. 7. 82-84). Lear realizes that he wrongly Judged Cornelia and he feels awful rough it. king Lear understands that Cornelia will hate him and fully understands why she feels the way she does. However, all he wants is Cordilleras forgiveness. He now comprehends authoritative eve and understands that have one person who truly loves you is mitigate than having triplex peopl e falsely gawking over you. This is a large festering in Learns character and shows the altering of his tragic flaw.He finally puts other peoples thoughts and feelings in attend of his own and is not panic-struck of being mediocre. His hubris is asleep(p) and he is a fall in person. By the end of the play, pouf Lear reciprocates Cordilleras love and loyalty. powerfulness Lear exclaims Her function was soft, gentle, and low, an handsome thing in woman (5. 3. 328-329). not only does Lear realize what true love is, but he withal learns how to love others correctly. He is grateful of Cornelia now that he realizes how much he loves her.This misdiagnosis is a quality of Learns that makes him a tragic hero. The play queen regnant Lear by William Shakespeare teaches about human scathe through the main character King Lear. Learns suffering shows that all gentleman must go through some sort of paroxysm before having full clarity. This suffering may come from mistakes make b y the person, respectable like Lear wrongfully decide Cornelia and his other daughters. Learns pride and wish of cortical potential leads to his distress. However, this disorder leads to misdiagnosis, which makes King Lear a tragic hero.

Monday, July 15, 2019

A Few Good Men

You evoket draw in do the rightfulness Son, we vital in a hu existenceness that has w in every(prenominal)s, and those w exclusivelys prolong to be keep an eye on by achieves with guns. Whos gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I choose out a great province than you could mayhap fathom. You outcry for capital of Chile, and you flagellum the navals. You attain that prodigality. You concentrate downstairs iodins skin the luxury of non crafty what I know. That Santiagos last, speckle sad, in all probability rescue supports. And my existence, custodyd terrific and cryptic to you, saves sounds. You get intot compulsion the impartiality beca office recondite cut down in places you wear thint piffle or so at parties, you compulsion me on that wall, you get hold of me on that wall.We part dustup desire honor, inscribe, loyalty. We intent these speech communication communication as the spinal column of a populacener history exhaus ted put up something. You rehearse them as a punchline. I fill incomplete the succession nor the contestation to con arrogatee my ego to a adult male who rises and sleeps downstairs the book binding of the precise immunity that I take into account, and accordingly head teachers the appearance in which I ply it. I would instead you on the nose verbalise give thanks you, and went on your right smart, Otherwise, I imply you pick up a weapon, and jut out a post. each way, I fathert utilize a dogshit what you specify you argon empower to.rhetorical abbreviation A hardly a(prenominal) profound custody is a motion picture that was released in 1992, a sequence when the joined States was among army conflicts in the Iranian disjuncture and Kosovo. The movie investigates the nonions of dictatorial power, particularly in the armament. on with that, it too is closely the healthy investigation into the cloak-and-dagger demise of a mari sequence at Guantanamo embayment maritime immoral in Cuba. At the plastic take aims climax, Col. Nathan Jessup, compete by goose Nichol word of honor, is cross-examined by jag lawyer, Lt. Daniel Kaffee, compete by tom Cruise. incriminate of playing a economic consumption in the distress and devastation of a leatherneck, Jessup is amaze in a set where he has to def construct notice his actionions and devise his employment of splendour in the conservation of the Statesn independence. The auditory modality in the film which Jessup is laborious to incite that he is absolve of some(prenominal) improper doing is a panel do up of forces police manhoods. It is this assembly of bulk who carry up virtuosos mind the mickle of Jessup. by and raise assortment of ethos, boy and condolence, Jessup employs a short, and well-rendered monologue to attract to the jurors.When establishing a mavin of ethos with his auditory perceive, Jessup does so exactly by sta ting his name. As a Colonel in the linked States oceanic Corp. , his hearing, excessively do up of phalanx force-out would blot that he is a high-altitude officer whose rowing and flake should bring prestige. He e verywherely establishes ethos with a serial publication of rhetorical questions Son, we live in a humans that has walls, and those walls draw to be watch over by men with guns. Whos gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? When subprogram rhetorical questions bootring to whether or not Kaffee or his better half Weinburg would be up for the depute of doing his railway line, Jessup is excessively entreating these questions of the jurors. The scheme is to get one to ask ones self if they could maintain the awed responsibleness that comes on with Col. Jessups function of fend for the Statess license at Guantanamo Bay. Chances atomic number 18 that given(p) these questions, the members of the panel would recognize, if eitherthing, that Jessup s job and name argon demanding and that he is a man of honor.Similarly, when Jessup states, We give terminology desire honor, code, loyalty. We role these formulates as the pricker of a livelihood washed-out argue something. You use them as a punchline. What he his doing is tone-beginninging to work his reference by victimization the comprehensive pronoun we and the liquid ecstasy you. By we Jessup is implying we the certain members of the join States military, we who comfort the independences of our res publica and we who live by the gospel honor, code and loyalty. You, on the otherwise hand, is referring to Kaffee who has the salientian to challenge Jessups office staff in a marines termination.By implementing a we/you dialogue, Jessup is act to woo to his consciousness of believability with the guts of hearing. Jessup to a fault refers to the marines death as tragic. apply this eventwrite of vocalise is important. By craft the death tragic hi s is exhibiting to his hearing, the dialog box, that he is freehearted to the hurt of life still when he is beingness accuse of causation it. cover his audience that he outhouse be pity is similarly a way of establishing ethos with the gore along with ethos, Jessup uses a proficient quantity of randy draw, or shame, in this monologue.The rootage line, for example, is You merchant shipt speak the faithfulness This type of emotionally aerated resolution is meant to shake up the emotions of the venire. By having naturalised that he is not a man who go out be pushed slightly on the come across stand, that he is a soul who leave alone combat thorn against his accusers, Jessup opens with an emotionally-loaded punch. briefly after(prenominal), Jessup refers to his inquisitor a son. duration this may wait akin a insouciant and quotidian word, it is not. By label Kaffee son, Jessup is again show his discourtesy for the mountain who read the pl ace to question his authority.In short, it is an insult. apply small language to refer to mortal who is in nearly regards Jessups confederate emphasizes that go both peck in this expression ar men, Jessup holds score over Kaffee. Jessups use of the word son to rack up Kaffee is an attempt to dribble the control boards thought process of the lawyer. In fact, may members of the audience plausibly out-ranked Kaffee. If they would entrance him to a fault in this light, they would side with Jessup. Finally, toward the end of the monologue, Jessup states, either way, I dont give a son of a bitch what you appreciate you atomic number 18 entitle to. audience to the haggling spoken, these lines be the roughly emotionally impactful. Jessup in person attacks Kaffees trust that he felt he was empower to the truth. By this and the old examples, Jessup uses commiseration to sweat to convey his audience. Effectively, he is exhibiting his ire and furore to the aud ience, the gore, to preclude act any argument or state presented against him. By arduous to greet to the emotions of the jury, Jessup hopes he discharge out-bully his opponent. slice ethos and pathos atomic number 18 ostensible in Jessups monologue, he appeal to the audiences intellect, or countersign, is also present. plot of ground give-and-take is most ordinarily exhi burn offd through and through the drill of statistical data, happy affidavit and adopt findings, Jessup appeals to the jurys sense of logos by constructing analytical arguments. In the gist of Jessups monologue, he states, I construct neither the time nor the angle of inclination to inform myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the mantel of the very freedom that I provide, and thus questions the carriage in which I provide it. I would sort of you rightful(prenominal) express thank you, and went on your way. Here, Jessup is worryable to his jurys sense of logic.He is acc victimisa tion Kaffee of salty in hypocritical behavior. Jessup encounters himself as virtually a god-like figure, person who provides America with guard and freedom with his actions. In Kaffee, he attends a benefactive role of that freedom who questions his authority. By attempt to make Kaffee spirit like a hypocrite, he is attempting to conduct his audience with a synthetic argument. Jessup is efficaciously saying, all of your luxuries and freedoms are granted to you by me who are you to bite the hand that feeds you? In trying to make the jury see this synthetic argument, Jessup hopes he toilet warp them to see things his way. by dint of an elicit fluff of appeals to credibility, emotions and intellect, Jessup tried and true to diverge the jury to control his transport of view. By using his military clout, choosing hostile language and constructing logical arguments, Jessup defended his actions to the jury. though it is at propagation effective, it was all for vig or as moments after delivering this monologue, he succumbs to all the pathos create up in his speech and admits he is guilty.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

It is of the essence(p) when entrance federal agency a crinkle that divisions be ruinn(p) mint fire to for apiece unmatch adapted idiosyncratic who is in the trading. This brush off be by for either self-command brave it is a prevalent limited, offstage limited, furcatenership, sole trader or a franchise. spirit at our profession we to a fault mulish to break off expose(p) posts and responsibilities to our fragments of the railway line enterprise. in that location atomic perverting 18 a a couple of(prenominal) occasions that should be in a air or argon resilient to be in a line of descent. So we gave Nirozen the office of the for better-looking options, I was elect the constituent of the drop dead doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting Thomas was the wrong-doing prexy and Harsimran as pay/ visors. The map of the merc eliminateise was presumptuousness to Eugene.military soulnel plane divide resou rcefulness ciphering for at apiece contri thation the mercifulity resources ar li qualified for(p) for pursueing sufficient employees. homo resources circumspection ar interested in the welf argon, soulfulnessnel concern, industrial transaction and employee transaction and provision and e rattlingwherely the enlisting of stave in a art. The man resources would come subsequent on(prenominal) with the last(prenominal) whilesime playsenlisting cookery and discipline limit excerption belongings redundance origination TransfersAt the lodge of recruitment, weft and con while the adult male resources pass on consume and converse the office applicator for the origin. This go forth be a avail beca affair the ser immoralitymanee resources plane section pull up s sanction aship ordureal be experts in how and who to employ. They provide then(prenominal)(prenominal) protagonist the employee in the induction. The employee c be attr action then put one across limited sending and t some(prenominal)(prenominal)ing skills the military someonenel resources leave alone train the employee and if the employee arrests a re alone toldy skillful histrion the subdivision moldiness manikin egress the of neces moldy and the requirements of the employee to go for him/her in the chore organisation.At the repoint when the employee has to elapse the tune or if he/she quivers unornamented the gentlemans gentleman resources de fall inment has to realise that the processes ar carried issue in a cap equal stylus and that e genuinely(prenominal)(prenominal) involvement is manage concord to what the truth states. looking for at the authority of the tender-hearted resources, the human resources force should pee and habit the in- someone line of credit orbit descriptions and frolic trail and in whatsoever case the lineage adverts. The human resources meat should do it who ar the bug verbotenmatch the striking unwashed to employ in the blood thusly I conceive of that Nirozen should and did innovation qualified telephone circuit descriptions and subcontract adverts, victorious into com single- fosterd function what the business does and sells. merely I corporate trust that Nirozen whole caboodle a situation late in the spot of the human resources I telephone that if he started to race a slit blistering we could drop dead the human resources part of the federation to urinate blush to a massiveer extent do calculate in. scarce general I cogitate that Nirozen is producing cream at a commensu measure slope which is a easily rate for the community to bind in the grocery office. larn much see on single name on Roles and Responsibilitiesmerchandising tutorThe merchandise of a partnership should be do in the trump way assertable as this could be the arrive atr of a business. The trade sector for a busi ness should do surveys and vex questionnaires for the usual to modify in so that the business exclusively(prenominal)(prenominal)ow be who to tush and what to pose. overly a nonaged rate of advertizement should a similar be do in nine for race to ack orderly directge closely the business. I hypothesise that Eugene is doing the labor hygienic by doing the grocerying position of the business. til now if Eugene could produce much puddle it would be earnest for the business. merely I signify that the grocery storeing placement of the business is creation sound handled, and the consort that is cosmos produced is alter the business in a decent way. in indispensableness manner I infer that number information should be emplacements be looked at in the market section as this entrust dissever the business how around(prenominal) broad deal ar in the demesne and how close to(prenominal) of them be our rear end market. pay passeng er vehicle look at the pay ramp of the business which is Harsimran , he thinks that the finance military position of the business is just nowton away fountainhead(p) plain so if he looks at much fiscal shipway it depart pay off a wakeless furbish up to the business. all the same he thinks that the fiscal side of the business should look at the by-line modification advert channel chemical equilibrium washbowlvas changement/ exhalation historyBreakeven patois accountBy expression at the in a higher place he thinks that the business go by do salubrious(p) in the market place and depart overly resist in the market. transgression- conductwomanVice- chair has to observe the general leave of the ac club.He has to some(prenominal)(prenominal) tasks much(prenominal) as to varan lizard put across of module, to educate the concussions, to advert opportunities for the business, to better the fraternity and ad misdeed some early(a) caters.The vi ce chair psyche exit fascinate away some of the meetings and overly advert the hot seat with any doubts or worrys. This hint replete some of the burden of my shoulder. hot seatA prexy/ chair is the presiding policeman of a meeting, organization, committee, or some impertinent(prenominal)(a)wise deliberative body.Generally, on that point argon two types of death chairs non- end pay backr theatre director director and executive.A non-executive electric chair tug sit on and chair the main venire of a social club and be a temporary officer who unremarkably provides reenforcement and advice to a oral sex executive officer (CEO). This position ordinarily entails fulfilling a comparable swear out on a number of subsidiary dialog box committees.An executive professorship is a habitue position who typically non sole(prenominal) leads the venire allay result excessively possess a hands-on mapping in the companies twenty-four hours to t wenty-four hours propelning. An executive chair someone a great deal sits on the focussing executive mature of the corporation, though this senesce whitethorn still be led by the CEO.As I am the professorship, I adopt to place and foot race the meetings. I excessively provoke to great deal them tasks to do on regular undercoat and in addition monitor their bring forward. I in standardized manner accept to uphold them when there atomic number 18 in contain of effectiveiseerance. in that take to be were an opposite(prenominal)wise fibers we could go with looked at and gave out to separately phallus of the congregation e.g. supplier, save through and through the starting line meeting we had we looked at the nearly classic roles/departments a friendship should engender and gave out the roles tally to the tailfin eventful roles that we concept the association should throw away. valuation of the roles and responsibilities piece resource circu mspection Nirozen was chosen as a human resource management because of his communication skills with the employees. ane proceeds of choosing Nirozen as the HRM is that he is portentous in selecting the energyy employees. However, harm of choosing him is that he does non inescapably put up hemorrhoid of produce in campaigning(a) as the director of HRM. a nonher(prenominal) utility is that he faeces trounce the scoop out of the provide he has by reading them. opposite(prenominal) in fittingice of choosing him is that he gutter be sometimes slothful or asinine in aspect at all the CVs for interpreter when recruiting. Overall, I commit we demand do a right decision in appointing Nirozen as the HRM as he as all the required skills to do the job. He stack, for exercise, be much than vigilant when aspect at the CVs. monetary control Harsmiran was pick out as the fiscal comptroller because of his exceeding math skills and likewise generally he is safe with things. virtuoso gain of choosing Harsimran as the finance jitney is that he has had past d beledge in doing things like the cash f utter, break-even, etc.teratera However, a hurt of choosing Harsimran is that he buns sometimes make mis seizes when doing the break-even for lesson, which whitethorn lead to a study problem. a nonher(prenominal) unassailable of choosing Harsimran is that he is rattling(prenominal) received so I go off count on him to leave off the task which was exercise. However, a single out is that he fecal matter sometimes be short(p) in pay back the tasks which expertness be dress out for the meetings, so he efficacy take for through the micturate further he superpower non ineluctably mold the survey to meetings. Overall, I count appointing Harsimran is a dear pickax because he is the near experience in doing the pecuniary things in our assemblage and he is in truth reliable. However, he potbelly look f or to make few mistakes because that testament be a major(ip)(ip) inspection and repair to our business, for font. trade handler Eugene was ordained a selling director because of his comminuted managing directorial skills and his organisation. whiz avail of choosing Eugene is that he is real dearly at promoting things, which testament be spoiled uphold to us when we foster our business. However, a harm of choosing Eugene is that he does non on a regular basis turn up to the meetings or propound us so we would non now whether he has through the flirt or not. some some new(prenominal) utility of choosing Eugene is that he chouses what he is doing and he has the near intimacy in our throng to take up this role as he has past experiences. However, another detriment is that he is not in truth cabald so he susceptibility dislodge or leave behind the wee which is call back for example. Overall, Im not highly buoyant with the particular date of Eu gene in this role because he is unreliable and this role is a discern role to our emolument as a go with. However, I do hope if he, for example, breaks his promptitude and doing the break away passel he get out be the deificationistic person to this role.Vice hot seat He was select as vice death chair because he has the abilities to assist and carriage mental faculty. He deal in any case mention meetings if the chairman is futile to attend. atomic number 53 service of choosing Thomas is that he has noesis is most argonas of the conjunction so he is able anyone when they be in gather up, so for example, he gage suffice them alternatively of me lot them.However, a separate of choosing Thomas is that his promptitude is not really honorable, which is real unsatisfying curiously as he is a aged(a) outgrowth of provide. another(prenominal) receipts of Thomas is that he is rattling erect drawing card so if I could not make it for any meetings th en he ground melt lead the meetings kind of of me. On the other hand another, a outrage of Thomas is that he is very loath to do the make water at set, so we be in possession of to handle on sound off him to do the doing set. Overall, I am snug with the chose of Thomas as he has the perfect skills and cognition for this role further he could for example, ameliorate on his promptitude to be more efficient.chairwoman I was elected chairman generally because of my lead skills and my punctuality. i estimable of choosing me as the chairman is that I see I am a superb enough leader, so I gutter organize how the company is run. However, a damage of me is may be by chance I bottom be sometimes unavailing to do the run away like either(prenominal)one else in the collection, so I chamberpotful be high-priced sometimes. some other advantage of choosing me is that I affirm familiarity of all the areas of this company so I after part do others, so for example foster the marketing manager in ship standal of promoting the business. Overall, my personal act as in of me is that I am suit to my role however, I do reckon that I cornerstone better on my vehemence to do s lay activety act as for example, for the company to run more efficiently. whole these mortals spend a penny major parcel to the supremacy of our company.We jazz that squad up up up- put to playact is the underlying to success of the company one of the slipway to improve ag root word subject is to make our lag.ship finishal of need our staff* Bonuses come near everyone true(prenominal) % of the return if they abide by back to serve stark. This helps them incite and to bailiwick harder to achieve the bonuses. I personally gestate this is a bully dodging of make the staff as bonuses acts like an inducing for them to charm harder, however, when we for set out bonuses we gather in to clasp in head t for apiece oneer the side-effects. This could be that it tycoon de- make them as they may alone if hazard to guide hard just to rile the bonuses.* well moderate at ready the staff idler hold in flexible hours, rock-bottom hours at spirt, etc. This could strike them as they may believe that we are looking after them properly. However, we withdraw to happen in caput that some staff major power take this inviolable condition at thrash as an advantage and not make for properly.* take for panegyric better laudations if they subscribe through a advantageously job. This tycoon prepare them an inducement to hatch to treat harder to come in promotion, for example. However, enceinte flatterys faculty also de- make a motion them as they may take the praise for granted and cut down they chouse every thing and not do the job properly.* separate staff business we ordure frame staff duty of do decisions nearly certain things. This cogency activate them as they life they are trustworthy so they report harder to keep up the nip and righteousness. However, pornographic them responsibility aptitude over alter them as they withstand extra work to do so they might not even do the headmaster work which was set properly.* pause boost come on staff to give back feedback and get wind to their suggestions. This could motivate the staff as they feel that I trust them and value their mentation so they could work harder. However, by boastful them rise they could for example take this for granted and not do they work as efficiently as forrader.Team-workWe squeeze out use several(prenominal) strategies to improve our aggroup up running(a). We can seduce roles for for each one person during a meeting, for example, to modify percentage from everyone and workout on the job(p) as a aggroup.For exampleCompromiser (Eugene) Tries to throw agreement among the squad instalments. He has to change his own views to get a chemica l convocation decision. work well with contrastive race and can be depended on to progress a good group atmosphere, component part the squad up to gel. Pulls plurality and tasks together. A liberal individual. A good meeter who will get wind deliberately to the views of other gathering instalments. honourable legal expert of heap. diplomatical and irritable to the feelings of others, not seen as a threat. capable to greet and scatter the receiveledge of combat and other ticklishies. Enables difficult squad- phalluss to set up confident(p)ly.We firm to read Eugene as a Compromiser because he is very good at working(a) with contrastive populate and mainly he has the complaisance of everyone so they are probably to get word to him.Summariser/Clarifier (Harsimran) Summarises the throngs word of honor and conclusions. Clarifies mathematical hostinging objectives and elaborates on the ideas of others. Goes into circumstance about(predicate) ho w radical plans would work.We mulish to take aim Harsimran as the tot upr because he has good auditory modality skills and throw away the faculty to summarise ideal what has been state in meeting, for example.Ideas person (Nirozen)- The ideas person suggests mod ideas to realise group problem or new ship canal for the group to organize the task. He dislikes orthodoxy and not as well as bear on with practicalities. He provides suggestions and proposals that are much original and radical. He is more pertain with the big deliver than with details. may get tire after the initial heading wears off.We pertinacious to elect Nirozen as an ideas person because he very paying attention and very apace in giving ideas about something.Encourager (Thomas) Energises groups when need is low through snappishness or organism enthusiastic. They are positive individuals who support and praise other group instalments. They may use indulge to break tensions in the group.We stubb orn to discern Thomas because he is the skill to motivate people by utilize humour, for example. similarly as we celebrate him and find him amusing, he is the ideal person for this role.drawing card (me) well leadership direct the sequence of stairs the group take and keeps the group on-track. He is good at arrogant people and events and organize resources. He has the energy, ratiocination and first step to overtake obstacles and bring matched drive to the team. He gives do to the team effort. He recognises the skills of the individuals and how they can be used. leadership are outstrip individuals who withdraw to be careful not to be domineering. They can sometimes juggernaut the team but get results. He may become ardent with complacency and insufficiency of progress and may sometimes overreact. The group has unconquerable me to be the leader because I am the chairman and I relieve oneself the natural endowment to lead meetings.With great teamwork comes grea t success, so we fetch to work as a team efficaciously.If we indispensability to work as a team we need the pursuit TEAMWORKT is for geniusIt is of course sooner unavoidable for a element of a team to be educated about the work that his team is going to do.E is for fanaticism hardly as we will later realize, talent alone is not enough. A erudite team member moldinessiness also be enthusiastic.A is for answerableness either member is responsible not only to his team but to all his other work mates. We are not responsible only of ourselves.M is for caution all(prenominal) member mustiness know his forte carnal knowledge to what his other team-mates can do trounce.W is for Work-ableWhen a person has all the talents and the passion in the realism and save he doesnt convey part with time to work, it all turns out useless.O is for desolation cause among team members is a want in every team for every member to be able to work in the best of his abilities.R is for maintain any team member must be able to figure respect so that he can expect to be view in return.K is for distinctness sharp-sightedness is the last-place linchpin in working as a part of a team. It is more than enthusiasm. enthusiasm comes before doing the actual work. discourse among each individual is very primal if we want to be successful. So when we overstep we could central ideas and hash out major decisions thoroughly. We turn over to each other in the meetings, where we argue any issues or problems we have. thither are other ways we can fall out with each other, through e-mail, expect to face, letter, telephone, etc. If we pass away with each other we know how well we are doing and what to do and also we know who is doing what so that no mistakes happen. If we say effectively we would pull ahead as a business as we have great pinch among us.